The Sounds, Smells and COLOURS OF OSTRAVA - Tasteful and Touching Teacher Training
The course is both a methodology and a language improvement course but the focus is on very practical classroom activities. You will experience the methodology from the perspective of your students. You will have a chance to learn and practise new approaches and skills, as well as developing new perspectives on teaching and learning. This course will explore the core principles of 'learning by doing', experiential learning, authenticity, exploring surroundings, field work, relaxation techniques, mental imagery, developing senses and how all these can be applied to both your professional and personal life. You will learn how to arrive in the 'here and now' of the language class, and how to make more connections among all elements involved in language learning: experience, emotions, images, as well as language itself. You will also have a chance to improve your ability and confidence in your use of English as well as enhancing your teaching skills. In addition to all this, we will enjoy the beauties of the city, attend a music festival, and visit some of the sights in the region. The course comprises traditional classes, field work, excursions, and attending the famous music festival Colours of Ostrava.
Course program Program may be subject to change!
The course aims to energise you by sharing some alternative activities, strategies and approaches to teaching & learning. As a result of attending this course, you will be more balanced and more creative as professional teachers. You will be able to design lessons full of fresh ideas and use activities that are motivating, energising, challenging and effective. We will encourage you to try out and enjoy different approaches, all of which help us regain energy, sharpen our attention, calm us down and help us to become more grounded. We will use techniques which will allow us to enjoy moments of quiet transition and which help you and your students’ minds become more receptive for learning. In short, our aim is to show you ways of enhancing your teaching through meaningful authentic classroom and outdoor activities.
Pololetní a jarní prázdniny 2025
V pátek 31.1.2025 (pololetní prázdniny) a v období pondělí 3.2. - pátek 7.2.2025 (jarní prázdniny) se nebudou konat kurzy pro děti.
Přihlaste se do našich kurzů a už nikdy nebudete mít pocit, že vám slova utíkají. Učíme prakticky a přesně podle toho, co potřebujete. Začněte ještě dnes ZDE .
Nepropásněte začátek letního semestru
Zápis do nových i pokračujících kurzů pro děti i dospělé je v plném proudu. Rezervujte si své místo včas!
Programy DVPP, pobytové kurzy, letní školy či šablony MŠMT najdete na webu
Víte, že při zakoupení jazykového kurzu se Vám automaticky načítají kredity, které následně můžete uplatnit jako slevu při nákupu dalšího kurzu? Že si můžete zakoupit dárkový poukaz v hodnotě 500 Kč, 1000 Kč a 3000 Kč a tento někomu darovat? Prostudujte prosím pozorně náš kreditní systém a další slevy a neváhejte tyto včas uplatnit.
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